JEMAAH Islamiah terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari, who has been on the run for nearly five days, is still believed to be in Singapore, police said on Sunday.
Police also believed he is 'acting on his own', and is not getting help from anyone.
Police said there is no evidence he has fled the country as he has no money, food, nor transport means.
With no means of his own, police warned that Mas Selamat, 47, who escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre on Wednesday at 4.05 pm, could resort to stealing items like clothes and food to get by.
Police also asked the public to look out for the fugitive who could be wearing stolen ill-fitting clothes or a cap.
Assistant Commissioner (AC) Wong Hong Kuan, Director of Operations, giving the first media update on the search for the JI fugitive, gave more detailed description of Mas Selamat's limp on the left leg.
AC Wong said the limp is not pronounced when he is walking but only shows up when he is running or walking fast.
Police have also spoken with his family members.
More than 1,000 policemen, and soldiers and special operation command forces are searching all over the country for him.
More than 54,000 posters and leaflets on the wanted man have been put up and distributed at public places and to residents of private homes.
Besides seeking the community involvement in the continuing manhunt for Mas Selamat, the search parties are combing all the forested areas in Singapore, including Sungei Buloh, and unoccupied buiildings.
Security checks at all the checkpoints have also been tightened. Interpol has also issued a red alert for Mas Selamat on top of a previous orange alert. The red alert means that any law enforcement officer among the international police network's 186 member countries can help arrest him on the spot.
Local telcos are also helping in the extensive search by sending free MMS messages - with a photograph of the fugitive - to some 5.5 mobile phone subscribers in Singapore.
The terrorist is described as short (1.58m) and weighs 63 kg.(From Straits Times)